Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's Been A While!

I am terribly sorry for the almost 10 month hiatus.

James arrived at 3:49pm on December 3, 2011, screaming his little lungs out. 7 lbs, 10 ounces of pure perfection. Shortly thereafter, he was rushed to NICU for 18 hours because his BP plummeted, and he began gasping for air. He had too much fluid in his lungs, and they had to wait for him to absorb it all. I didn't get to breastfeed for 18 hours. It was a rough 3 days in the hospital for both of us.

Now, we are 9 months and 3 weeks later, and he is 21 lbs, 8 oz. He is crawling and trying to stand. He eats like a horse and hates baby food. :) Already sporting 18-month clothes. He has 6 teeth, and 2 more coming in! Can you believe it?! Love my sweet little man.

Ella, our daughter, is 2 and a half. She is learning to read a little. She knows her numbers, colors, letters, letter sounds, and some shapes. :) She's so funny, too! Love her to death!

So, it's been a crazy year. My husband went back to work at a new battalion, where he is set to deploy around January for about 6 months. I am feeling a bit anxious about it, but there isn't much we can do. I just have to pray and believe he will come home safely.

Hope you guys are doing well!

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