Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Baltimore and Freddie Gray - Why Race Shouldn't Matter

I am only going to say this one thing about Baltimore and Freddie Gray. Please, just take a moment and read it.

I have been accused of not "understanding" because I am white, and the due process afforded us by the Constitution is only good for people like me...those devoid of color. I have been asked, "What about Freddie Gray?" My response is this - What about Freddie Gray? Why do you care so much about this person whom you have never met and have only read about in the media? It is a tragedy that this person has lost his life. I am sorry that his family has had to face such a terrible wrong. I am sorry that a human being, of any color, had to be treated in such an inhumane way, and that he died from negligence, lack of compassion, lack of care, and possibly even murder. While Freddie Gray's criminal history does not condone his death in any way shape or form, would he have died in police custody if he were an upright and law-abiding citizen?

We don't know what happened to Freddie Gray. We have not been afforded full disclosure, neither have any of those destroying the city of Baltimore. We most likely never will. The Constitution of the United States provides us the right to peaceful assembly and protest in the First Amendment. It does not give you the right to act illegally, destroy cities, and destroy livelihoods. Neither does rioting and looting give you any leverage or help your cause. If you are so angry, then use that anger for good. Be the change you want to see in this world. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was able to make a difference because he was peaceful and respected.

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

While people are asking, "What about Freddie Gray," and accusing me of being insensitive because I am white and just don't get it, I would like to ask you a question and tell you a story. What about Trenton Scott? A little 4-year-old boy that was murdered in the wee hours of the morning on April 19, 2011. This little boy and his family have not seen justice for this tragedy. Yet, there has been no rioting in the streets. No destruction of Candler or Asheville. You want to know why I "get it?" Because little Trenton is the son of my husband's cousin, and the grandson of his aunt and uncle.

I get the anger. I get the outrage. I get it, but we have to rise above that and trust that justice will prevail without resorting to illegal activities. My prayers are for Baltimore, Freddie Gray's family, the LEO's and first responders, and the Scott and Reagan families.

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